The difficult anxiety and depression remind me I do not come close to “having it all together” and let me tell y’all I have definitely not had anything together this month. November has been difficult for me. Aniexty and depression tormented me. One week in particular felt like an entire month. That week was the hardest week I have had all year. It went something like this.... Monday our oldest friend had craniofacial surgery requiring a two-week recovery period. He came home on Tuesday and both boys had visitation with their family. On Wednesday, all three of the nuggets  were home with me for the holiday. Thursday, our littlest-one  had an upset tummy so home he cameFriday our youngest pup had surgery. I also found out my grandma was in the hospital but was stable. Early Saturday morning I got the call that she went home to be with Jesus. Her death was unexpected. I was not ready for that call. I do not remember what we had for dinner, if I even cooked. I was needy, emotional, and irritable toward my superhero husband. I took time off from work, falling more behind. I cannot tell you if I helped with homework or potty training. That week is a blur of anxiety, depression, and survival. There are times when life feels too difficult for us to handle and yet, we stand, we live to tell about it. I cried often, ate too much chocolate, wallowed in the mountain of mom guilt (and employee guilt) and drank lots of coffee. Yet, here I am, celebrating what I am thankful for with kiddos, I have known a month, that call me mama. What joy and privilege to love others inspite of the difficult. Who better to dive into the trenches with the broken and hurting than those with scars telling their stories of pain and survival?

         When I was having a really hard time with my depression. I searched the Bible for the word difficult because I know God never called us to easy and that was the reality I wanted to sink into. Often, we choose to lean into the happy truths the ones that bring hope and joy but there are also heavy truths. We must hold onto those too because God is there in the messy and mundane as well. We need those truths when we are in the trenches. We need those reminders that some things are painful but He is there. Christ carried that cross anyway, he loved anyway, when he was stoned, when he was beaten, when he was hung his words were "forgive them for they know not what they do?" He chose death so that you and I could survive. 
The worst week of the year is behind me. Little faces are looking up at me, work emails are growing and there’s a home in need of cleaning that awaits me. This foster parent life can be difficult, but love does hard things. Fostering is growing things inside of me I did not know I had. It is pushing me out of comfort zones and challenging my attitude, effort, and energy. 

I want our boys to see that with a broken hurting heart, love does anyway. We are not backing down from the difficult and the painful. You see, we are called to be good and faithful servants, not fearful servants, not comfortable servants or just good and faithful with no service. When I get to heaven I want to hear "well done my good and faithful servant.” We can move forward, through the hard and the painful because we know He did and we know the victory awaits.

When it is hard to love, love harder. When difficulty comes, cry and embrace it because you are not alone in it. Shift your attitude, effort, and energy to press through the painful. We all experience it. We are all broken, hurting people. Run your race, fulfill your purpose, and love anyway, always, in all ways.         When it gets difficult, remember He said it would be, and the path you are on is dusted with many other footprints and tears. When you look down, see survivors’ steps. When you look up, see the death conqueror cheering you on. I am cheering you on too.
Xoxo, V

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