Love others

Tonight our oldest was on a call with his mom, I was across the room. Usually she reads him something before bed like a prayer but tonight she prayed. As I listened to the mother of the boys I tuck in each night and smile at each morning, my heart was humbled. Tonight as she thanked God for us and her boys and asked for protection and blessing over us I was reminded of this verse. “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” John 8:7
You see, we go into things with bias. We go into things guarded. We go into things anxious. More often than we care to admit we judge those around us. Often people say they couldn’t foster because they wouldn’t want to give the kids back. I get that, it is going to hurt but I do want them to go back. I’m cheering for mom and dad. I’m hoping and praying for reunification. God loves us, but if you’re familiar with his word he really loved the needy, broken, hurting, lonely, lost people. I see people write about how “Judas ate too”, this is in reference to the last supper before Jesus took the cross for us. Judas sold out Jesus and yet our savior made room at his table for him. You’re right, he did eat too but you want to know my favorite thing about that story... he didn’t just feed Judas, he washed his feet. My savior, my death conquering king washed feet..  “And since I, your Lord, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet” John 13:14
Why is it that we are immensely grateful that His grace and mercy are new each morning and yet we find it hard to show either one. In an effort to shed light on the good moments of this year for our boys, we made a photo book with pictures from all the visits the boys had with their parents so they can gift it to them their last visit of the year.I fail daily yall, that’s why her prayer hit home for me. I love how God nudges me off my pedestal so I can kneel at His feet.As Christmas and the new year approach I challenge you to love others, not just the ones easy to love. Give the gift of kindness. Give the gift of forgiveness. Give the gift of love, the greatest gift of all.


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