Foster care prep
This weekend we tackled a lot of things around our home for the licensing process. We’re told there are a few things that we’ll need such as: fire escape plan, safety locks and an active security system. We’ve been meeting with our licensing worker weekly via zoom, due to COVID precautions, but for official licensing purposes a home visit is required. We’ve also got a load of paperwork to do, I mean hundreds of pages of it, which I honestly expected - I’d want to know every little thing if it was my kid .. wouldn’t you?
Regardless, it is actually really fun!
For all you mamas out there, I feel like I’m nesting again. I keep cleaning, preparing and organizing all the things! I don’t know what I’m doing, the same way I didn’t when I was pregnant with our son, but I believe I know who I’m doing it for, just as I did then. I picture them.... the kids, big and small. I wonder what they need... silence, a warm blanket or meal, a hug. Maybe some affection and attention.
I wrote the below caption on my social media to go along with this picture of our son so I’ll share it here with y’all too:
People ask me how will fostering impact DJ, my marriage, and our home. It’s actually part of our training. We have an entire 100+ page book to help us discuss how this will change our family dynamic but ya know what I see here - A happy, fed, loved to the core, little one - & I know that our family created that.
I know fostering isn’t cupcakes & rainbows but it IS a way to help, serve and love others. So I’ll take the pain, unknown, etc so that I can give the love, safety and security needed by so many 🤍 because #KidsDeserveIt
#FosterCarebecauseWeCare #fosterfamily #fostermama #fosternc #fosteringsaveslives #fostercare #fostercareawareness
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